Christmas gifts starts here!
Hello there! How are you? Im suuper excited because I smell the Christmas very close. And I love it! It´s the "S-E-A-S-O-N". Well maybe we are still in November, but there is nothing better than being creative now! Until everything is sold or the shops are filled. Lately, in Mexico we intend to support the Mexican market, consuming our local artist and artisans in different areas, I a of those who buy what they like and do not abide me with brands itself, I like... I want! Well it it is also giving away useful trifles like me, and if I work every day in an office with many coworkers I adjust my budget for gifts. One thing what i got on my head to give this holidays, t hese are products that I have used before , I mean that and I tried , and I can recommend , my idea of Christmas gift is a detail for my co-workers. Im thinking to do a beauty basket with some goodies of Luffa Cosmetica (Click on the name to see) or give some chocolate with the scrapbooking/